Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Cup of Cold Water to Thirsty Men

A good word from

Yes, Sandra Bullock won the ACADEMY AWARD for Best Female Actress this weekend for the inspirational movie “The Blind Side.” I saw the movie three times and enjoyed thrice as nice. However, this post will not be about the Hollywood hit and modern day cinema classic.

Special props go out to my friend and fellow Evangelist Clayton King who has consistently reminded all whom he comes in contact with to PROTECT THEIR PASTOR. Jesus is our Coach but the pastor of your church is the Quarterback. At times, I have been too harsh on ministers (even as one) and for that I apologize when wrong. Like Jesus, I am short with Pharisees but show great grace to pastors, people and even prostitutes in need of a touch from God.

Without question, the Shepherd of the Flock may live “by faith” but still lives as flesh. The fact is, we chase Divinity but are still sidelined as humanity until we get our “Glorified Body” in Glory. Ministers are no different. It is easy to play arm-chair quarterback from the comfort of our couch or Monday morning moderator by the water cooler at work and continually criticize how the QB (aka senior pastor or youth minister) missed the “open man” en route to a game scoring drive. Like it or not, 265 lbs line-backers want to bury you on national television and since they sprint like a cheetah one doesn’t always see the “wide open” receiver. Magnify that with the barrage of temptations, stress of life, critics from deacons, complaints from Mrs Jones and un-ending undermining from an un-controlled, callous tongue our pastors deal with more than concussions. Worse, the repercussions are so riveting and damaging that many ministers are throwing in the towell at record rates (not just interceptions).

The “blind side” is the area of the helmet where peripheral vision is blockedand one doesn’t see the heat sinking missles coming from the corner (or worse, BEHIND). What sparked my desire more than ever to touch briefly on this subject today is a tweet RICK WARREN posted on Twitter tonight. He noted he was at a funeral today for a pastor in Texas whom committed suicide. This should not be. How tragic! Years ago, I heard an evangelist say: “How you love, honor, pray, support and protect your pastor is a direct gauge to read how your walk with God is at the present time.” If that doesn’t prick your heart - CPR won’t either.

Like Jesus, I have no time for Pharisees but preachers are precious to me. Actually, they are priceless. In ministry, we either get too much credit or not enough and honestly, I dont have the answers how to find the balance. However, I do know that almost all the ministers I know and been blessed to preach for have a deep love for God and compassion for people. Sadly, but some (if not all) at times find themselves empty emotionally, drained physically, weak spiritually and on fumes financially. Ministers are known to give and give and give but (sad but true) feel as if no one either understands them or folks don’t know how to minister to them. A recent survey showed the alarming rate that 87% of senior pastors feel like they don’t have one real friend that they can confide and just be themselves. Yes, it is true that we find only one road to Heaven and that is through faith in Christ but it shouldn’t be a ONE WAY street for our pastors.

My humble request to you this post is to do three things: 1) READ my college friend, Evangelist Clayton King’s blog on PROTECTING YOUR 2) PRAY to God and ask how you could in the very near future minister to your minister. We have folks that read this blog and my MOTIVATIONAL MINUTE from Kansas to Kenya, La Plata to Los Angeles, Washington, DC to Spokane, Washington, Dunkirk to Dallas, Indiana to Illinois and a few stops in between (no joke) but wherever you are and whoever your pastor may be; please surprise them and bless them. Reach out to them, invite them to dinner, send a gift, pay their utility bill out of the blue one month (some of them are in the red), mow their grass, baby-sit their child(ren) so they may have a date with their spouse. In a nutshell, show some love to the ones who loved you and lead you to Jesus on a daily, monthly, weekly and yearly basis.

They will be shocked, you will be blessed and Jesus will be pleased. No more preachers need to retire prematurely, no more clergy need to die tragically because they felt unloved and Christians can emulate Christ like never before by practicing what their preacher preaches and to love not only the “least” but those who love you the most: Jesus and your pastor. 3) Maybe send them on the cruise I have the privilege to speak on May 30 - June 4, 2011, with CASTING CROWNS, Dr Johnny Hunt, Pastor John Hagee, Jentezen Franklin, Jason Crabb & others for a much needed PASTOR APPRECIATION gift for some much deserved Rest & Relaxation. Its a tax-deductible gift and they can relax in the Sun while being refreshed in the Son. Contact me directly for more and CRUISE INFO

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chest of Joash

“Money is everything”

For many people, “money is everything” is more than a statement; it is a fundamental belief. To most folks in today’s world, money is everything. We work hard to amass money in order to acquire those things we most desire. Consider that our parents paid less for houses than what some of us now pay for automobiles!

The modern world is not the only segment of history that has struggled with the implications of money. The implication of making money, the most important segment of our lives, was as real in the days of Jesus as it is today.

In Matthew 19, we read of a young man who came to Jesus seeking the kingdom of God. This young man had high standards for conduct and good moral character – he was good man. Nevertheless, in his discussion with Jesus, our Lord went to the heart of the matter. Jesus called him to sell all he had, give it to the poor and follow Him. “But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he owned much property” (vs.22). This young man made the fatal mistake of allowing his money to rule him instead of him ruling it.

In our church, we are now faced with a similar decision. The Lord’s grace to us has been evident; we have truly been blessed beyond measure. But over the last several months, the global economic challenge has come to First Baptist Church Holly Springs and our budget is being stretched.

It is such a tragedy that many who call themselves followers of Christ will, for want of simple obedience in the area of money, spend their lives never having the opportunity to be a participant in an endeavor as meaningful and great as that which is now taking place at First Baptist Church Holly Springs. Just as the young man Jesus called to follow Him in Matthew 19, we are invited to engage the kingdom of God. What will be our response? Will those who come behind us find us faithful to the task? It would be to our shame for the next generation of believers in Holly Springs to look back at us with regret and realize that many were more controlled by that which was in our checking accounts than by that which should have been in our hearts.

God has placed before the people of FBCHS an incredible open door. The staff that God has placed to serve this church is of a caliber of which I have never been a part and it is an incredible blessing to serve alongside this wonderful group of men and women of God. Within each of their hearts, God has placed a vision similar to that God has given your pastor. That vision is to reach men, women, boys and girls for Jesus through new and innovative ministries as well as current ministries of which we are already involved is breathtaking. Nevertheless, in order to continue to grow our existing ministries as well as expand to new ministries each one of us must be involved in the process.

You may be asking yourself the question: “Pastor, this sounds exiting but how do I become a part of the journey?” As your pastor, I want to challenge you to make a spiritual and tangible commitment. This commitment is not between yourself and the church; rather it is a commitment between you and God.

Beginning Sunday, March 28 and continuing through the month of April, we as a church will have an opportunity to focus our prayers and our actions on obedience to the call of God in our finances.

As we prepare for this season, you will want to ask the Lord to give you wisdom, direction and obedience through one or more of the following ways:

1. If you are not currently a consistent, Biblical tither, commit to God, by His grace, to begin being obedient in this area starting now. This is the first step of obedience regarding our personal finances. (The tithe is a tenth of your individual, total gross income. See Malachi 3:10)

2. If you are already a consistent Biblical tither, commit to God, by His grace, to continue to give the tenth and possibly commit to give over and above the tithe (an offering).

3. In addition to being a consistent Biblical tither, you wish to give a one-time gift of whatever the Lord directs you to give in order that the ministries and the organizations of First Baptist church might continue to expand.

Below is a picture of our commitment card we will be using. As your pastor, I would ask that after much prayer, you would come to worship prepared to fill out this card and place it in the “Chest of Joash” (taken from the Biblical account in 2 Chronicles 24:4-13) at the appropriate time during the morning worship services.

On Sunday May 2, during our morning worship service, we will have a praise report as to the number of commitments made and the total amount of the one-time gifts. We ask that you do not put your name on these cards – again this is a commitment between you and God.

God bless you as you seek the Lord and I pray His blessing on you for your obedience. I sincerely pray these days will bring about blessings in your life and the life of this church.