Monday, September 29, 2008

Worship Leader

I believe God is at work in our search for a worship leader. Please pray that everything would fall into place and that there would be perfect peace if the Lord is truly in it. Steve has done an incredible job, and I am forever grateful, but he has shared with me that he is ready to blend back into the praise band. Move in our midst Lord and we will give you the glory...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sandra Queen

Although we never met my life has been influenced by hers. Spending a great deal of time with Bill I have come to the realization that this lady was a soldier and a warrior for the Son of God. I pray that my life would make an impact as great as hers. Please pray for Bill and his family over the next few days, weeks, and months that lie ahead. God's grace is sufficient.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Reality Check

The Holy Spirit of God led me to share this update which further reveals the incredible faith of my dear friend Bill Queen and his family with each of you. I received the following just this morning. You can follow further updates on Caring Bridge.

Friends and family,
I write this morning with much mixed emotions. With family and friends by our side and through much prayer we removed all artificial support from Sandra. I say mixed emotion because we have a Peace that has comforted us since day one and there is no doubt where she will be for eternity along with her treasures. The mixed emotions comes from the fact that we still know and believe God can heal her. My question to you is; if Sandra was healed today, how would that effect you? Would you change the way you live? Does it take a miracle for you to have faith in Jesus?
We invite you to join with us as we continue to pray for a miracle healing. We will praise God because of His perfect Will and accept it as what is best for each of us.
Many of you are calling and wanting to do something for us. THANKS!!! You never cease and are one of the main reasons we have traveled so well along this road.

But Stephen, filled by the Holy Spirit, gazed into Heaven. He saw God's glory, and he said, "Look! I see the heaven opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!" Acts 7:55-56

My prayer is that I would be found faithful if faced with the same challenge. I know this is your prayer as well…

Sunday Reflexion

Warning – These are random thoughts prone to improper grammar, spelling, etc., but they are straight from the heart……..

I am really pumped up about our new Fireproof series. I really hope we will take advantage of this opportunity to get friends and family here to soak up some truths about relationships…They are always a challenge (relationships that is) of course family and friends are often a challenge as well.

Praise God for Steve and Sandra Worsham making it official. I have literally been waiting for this couple to join every Sunday for almost two years now. Any of our readers who have yet to join should not follow this example…Can I get a witness…Steve and Sandra, we praise God for you and welcome to the gang.

Fireproof movie Friday night. This is an event you will not want to miss and this is a great time to get work associates, friends, etc. who might be having a bit of a challenge in their marriages to go with you. We are still trying to nail down the times. We are hoping for a 7 pm showing but may have to go with the 8:15. I realize this is a little late but just bring the kids a sleeping bag and the students will put them on a movie until mom and dad get back to pick them up (and yes, you do have to pick them up). Keep and eye out for updates on this today and tomorrow.

We need your help. If you are physically able, we need everyone who can to park as far away from the building as possible. You can park in the grass, in the space behind the fellowship hall (but not on the graves please), in the lower parking lot where quiltin time once was (thanks Bill and Ann), or in front of the office. I have had two or three families tell me they drove by and the lot just looked too full. Also, in the worship center, please try to scrunch up as much as possible. We have had people come in during the last few weeks who could not easily find a seat. Thanks for you help, you are always incredible.

I love being the Pastor of the greatest church in the world,

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Awsome Stuff

As Todd and I were changing the sign this morning, which now reads, "Lipstick or Not - Everyone Welcome," Craig Ormsby from FBC Woodstock stopped by. He asked if there were any new projects they could help with and I mentioned that we could use some parking in the rear of the fellowship Hall. He said he cannot say for sure but that they may be able to make that happen for us for nothing. This would be incredible. The other incredible part of this is that I was just praying God would provide for this in some awesome way. Keep praying - God is so cool and thank God for Kingdom minded churches!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I cannot wait to start our new sermon series "Fireproofing Your Marriage". This series will begin in one week and you will not want to miss it. Don' forget to sign up for tickets to the movie - we will be going as a group on Friday the 26th. Listen out for more details.

Sunday Reflexion

Warning – These are random thoughts prone to improper grammar, spelling, etc., but they are straight from the heart……..

God never ceases to take me by surprise. Just when I think I have Him pinned down in one area He moves in a different direction. Thank you Jesus - that is why He is God and I am Phil…

What an incredible day Sunday. Man God was just “thick” in this place. I am so excited about the two families that came to be part of our fellowship, The Mathews and the McEver’s are awesome folks and I cannot wait for our church family to get to know them better. We praise God for you guys and we are praying for you…

I want to give a shout out to the entire First family for your faithfulness in giving. I know the times are tough and finances are strained but you guys continue to be faithful in your giving. I praise God for such a faithful group of folks that give even when it means sacrifice on your part. God will use this effort to allow this church to accomplish bigger and better things for Him. Keep on with the keeping on for it is too late to back down now…Go God.!!!!!!!!!

If you get a chance to check out my brand new blog at, feel free to take a peak. It is a work in progress but in time I am hoping it will be another avenue for our people to gain information. Todd also has a new blog, you can find his at

The Young family will be heading to Panama City Beach Sunday afternoon for week of hanging out with the whole family my parents and Michelle’s parents). Trivia question: Which one of our kids was born in Panama City? Hint – she is a girl…I know of at least one other family that will be there next week so if you are heading down look us up (seriously) and we will grab some seafood together or maybe some Angelo’s Steak Pit where “you won’t get a bum steer here”. We might even have church on the beach…