Thursday, September 25, 2008

Reality Check

The Holy Spirit of God led me to share this update which further reveals the incredible faith of my dear friend Bill Queen and his family with each of you. I received the following just this morning. You can follow further updates on Caring Bridge.

Friends and family,
I write this morning with much mixed emotions. With family and friends by our side and through much prayer we removed all artificial support from Sandra. I say mixed emotion because we have a Peace that has comforted us since day one and there is no doubt where she will be for eternity along with her treasures. The mixed emotions comes from the fact that we still know and believe God can heal her. My question to you is; if Sandra was healed today, how would that effect you? Would you change the way you live? Does it take a miracle for you to have faith in Jesus?
We invite you to join with us as we continue to pray for a miracle healing. We will praise God because of His perfect Will and accept it as what is best for each of us.
Many of you are calling and wanting to do something for us. THANKS!!! You never cease and are one of the main reasons we have traveled so well along this road.

But Stephen, filled by the Holy Spirit, gazed into Heaven. He saw God's glory, and he said, "Look! I see the heaven opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!" Acts 7:55-56

My prayer is that I would be found faithful if faced with the same challenge. I know this is your prayer as well…

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