Thursday, March 12, 2009


God has so greatly blessed our church. This past week, because of the sacrifice and obedience of you, God’s people, we were able to eliminate all debt and we are completely debt free as a church. This is an incredible blessing, but it has the potential to be a curse. Often when churches are not challenged with debt, they decide to take a break from the sacrifice and genuine obedience to giving. This should never be. There is so much to be done, so many people to reach and so much ministry left to do. Now is the time to invest in the church and the kingdom more than ever. We should look at it this way. We are no longer paying interest on a loan therefore every dime is available for expanding the incredible work that God is doing here at FBCHS. You are such a loving, giving, faithful, awesome bunch of people and I thank God for what He is doing, but I must say, the very best is yet to come and I can hardly wait!

Some exciting things just around the corner…Easter Sunday is only five weeks away and now is the time to begin inviting guests. As usual, we will be having two services with a brunch in between. Our service times will be 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM. Begin thinking now about which service to come to so that you can plan to inform your friends and family. What an incredible time to invite people who have yet to become Christ followers or do not have a church home. The impact could be tremendous.

We are having twins – Beginning April 19th we will begin our second service. Both services will be identical but will allow us to grow beyond our present capacity. Although our worship center does not always look completely full, there is a ratio called the eighty percent ratio. Studies show that once a service has reached that eighty percent number it will stop growing or even possibly decline. If you have noticed, our numbers tend to fluctuate from larger crowds to more modest crows. I believe this is proof that the eighty percent rule is factual. Therefore, in an effort to do “whatever it takes to reach people” this second service is not an option but a necessity. Will a second service require more nursery workers, greeters, singers, band members, parking lot attendants? YES, but as a church we must remember that those who are yet to come are just as important as those who are already here. I pray that you will listen to the Lord as to where He would have you to play a part and jump in with both feet and a whole heart. Beginning the 19th of April, our service times will be 8:15 AM worship, Sunday School at 9:30 AM, and 10:45 AM worship. Please begin now to pray now about the service God would have you participate.

Parking, parking, parking…Just a gentle reminder that every week we are so very blessed to have guests who join us for worship. I want to challenge our people to please, please park as far away from the building as possible so that our guests and senior adults can have the prime spots. If you could help us with this, it would be a blessing. It might allow someone who would otherwise turn away to come into our service and find new life in Christ, all because you chose to walk a few more steps. God bless you for you help.

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