Thursday, March 12, 2009

Simple Thoughts

So many thoughts, so little space, such a short memory…

· Just a refresher – Saturday morning from 10 AM – 11 AM we will be blanketing the community. Our goal specifically is to attempt to reach out to those who have been our guests in the last six months or may be on the Sunday School role but have not attended Sunday School recently. It will just take an hour out of your time but it could greatly influence a life by showing them that at FBCHS we really do care about them and their family. You can choose to participate in one of three ways: physically visit homes and pray with people, make phone calls and pray with people, or write a postcard and pray for people. We will have coffee and light snacks at 9:30 so come out and make a difference. What a difference an hour makes…

· LADIES. Beginning this Sunday morning at 9:30 in room 205 (upstairs from the fellowship hall), my wife will begin the class entitled, “Created to be his help meet.” I promise you this revolutionize your marriage. This is a bridge event that can be effectively used to transition people from a book study to Sunday morning Bible study. You can get information and buy the book at the connetion table at the back of the worship center or in simply show up for the class and pick one up at that time. Any other questions email Michelle at or check out the “Created to be his help meet” event under Events on Facebook.

· Your Pastor is attempting to transition into the world of technology. Our world is ever changing and fast moving. In an effort to keep our church, friends, guests, etc. abreast as to events, thoughts, and ideas, I have joined the informational network Twitter. Twitter is simply a free site that let’s people know “what [you] are doing”. If you would like to be able to receive thoughts, ideas, and insight as to what God is doing in my life, etc. you can simply go to the link, register your information, go to the find people area, type in my name, and click to follow me. If you have texting or email on your phone, you can choose the option that allows you to receive messages as I make updates throughout the day. I often have inspirational thoughts or challenges and have not had a vehicle to be able to share them until this point. With Twitter, I can now share relavant (or possibly not so relevant at times) information throughtout my day. Why not give it a try?

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