Thursday, June 30, 2011


God is good and has been moving greatly in the midst of the first part of the summer. Vacation Bible school was awesome. Several kids gave their heart and life to Jesus and their lives will never be the same as the result of the time they spent on our campus hearing about Jesus. We are currently in the process of follow up and discipleship with them. Student camp begins next Tuesday. Many of our students will be traveling to Lee University for Student Life Camp and we are trusting God to do BIG things in their lives. I am grateful to God for our student pastor Matt Sawyer and his love for them and his investment in their lives. This coming Sunday we will begin the service with baptism, celebrating changed lives for the glory of God. I am super pumped about our new interim worship leader Scot Luman and his wife Katie being on board. I am grateful to God for his passion for the Lord and overwhelming desire to take us to the throne in worship.
With all that is taking place and all God is doing I want to offer a challenge. I want to encourage you to pray about increasing your giving to FBC Holly Springs – but not so that FBCHS has more money. I want us to give sacrificially so that we can give more to the nations. Michelle and I have committed to pray about increasing the percentage of our giving so that we never grow stagnant in our sacrifice for God’s work, and God has never let us down. He has ALWAYS met our needs, especially when we have sensed His call to give in a way that stretches our faith beyond discomfort. We’ve learned that He is never worried about the state of the American economy. As we move through the summer, please be faithful to your giving to God’s work. At the same time, I really do challenge you to seek God’s face about increasing your giving. Consider an increase of 1 percent of your income . . . or 5 percent . . . or $25 a week . . . or whatever God expects from you. Remember, though, that your giving is not about just making sure that FBCHS has money in the bank. While having a reserve is not wrong – it is still money unused for the gospel. As you and I give, a percentage of those dollars make a quick difference around the world for God’s glory through cooperative giving. That’s why we need to sacrifice more.

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