Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sunday Reflexion

Warning – These are random thoughts prone to improper grammar, spelling, etc., but they are straight from the heart……..

Church you greatly, greatly blessed me and totally surprised me with Pastor Appreciation last Sunday. The food was wonderful, the fellowship was awesome, and the gift was an incredible blessing. I deeply love you and count being your Pastor one of the greatest joys of my life. Last Sunday afternoon I posted on my Facebook that I was blessed to pastor the greatest church in America. I took some ribbing from one of my church start buddies (not to mention any names – Daniel), but I told him that the facts speak for themselves. I want you to know, I stand by those facts. You are the greatest church in America…

Holly Springs Fall Festival – I am so grateful for Bekki Cox, and Kasey Baxter for heading this outreach event up. There were also several volunteers who helped in the booth on Saturday. You guys flat make things happen and touched lives through your willingness to serve. I am grateful to God that the staff does not have to be intricately involved in every ministry of FBCHS, but rather you guys have begun to take ownership of ministry and you are making an impact that otherwise would not be made.

Pancakes at the McCoy’s. After our Life Classes on Sunday night, several of our folks headed over to the McCoy’s (thanks Terry and Sheri), and cooked pancakes, bacon, Jambalaya, (wait – jambalaya and pancakes), hey whatever blows your horn. Great fellowship and hanging out with folks. The Lord even opened the door for us to build some relationships with some unchurched people in our FPU class. I love bridge-building.

This Sunday Kevin Bragg, his wife Rita, and their three boys will be coming to get to know us a little better. Kevin will be our Interim Worship leader for now, but we will see what things God has in store for us as the days go by. Pray for Kevin and his family as they make the transition here. Great days are ahead. I also want to say how absolutely blessed we have been to have Steve Perry filling in during this time. Steve, you have been incredible. God is sovereign and always know what His kids need. God Bless you.

See you Sunday and check out my blog for updates –

Nowhere I’d rather be,

Pastor Phil

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