Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Warning – These are random thoughts prone to improper grammar, spelling, etc., but they are straight from the heart……..

This week has already been awesome. God did such a work in my heart last week and allowed me to be set free from the bondage of unforgiveness in a major area of my life. To be able to move past my past and release any and all bitterness from past hurt allowed me to preach on forgiveness with experiential knowledge, not just head knowledge. Just to give you an update, my friend emailed me on Monday and thanked me for forgiving him. Will we automatically begin drinking coffee together and hanging out at each others homes? Probably not in the week or two, but God has begun the healing process and I truly believe He will, over time, “make up to [us] for the years that the locust has eaten.” Joel 2:25

I am praying for wisdom for our Sunday night activities. I would love to get insight from you as to what would best meet the needs of our people and the community. I pray we never do anything simply because we have always done it a certain way. However, I also desire for whatever program/ strategy we choose to be as effective as possible. With that being said, I ask you to pray and offer me any insight you might have concerning this decision. Are Sunday nights more effective with life classes or would they be more effective with a more traditional type service? I hope you will approach this with discernment. It may be easy to say, “if I sit in a service I will not have to do anything to prepare, I do not have to be equipped to participate, I can simply sit and soak”. Nevertheless, at the same time, if a service will be more effective, have the ability to impact a greater number of people, be more unifying, this is may be the direction we need to move. Whatever the Lord leads us to do will be the best plan. Let me know your thoughts and bath them in prayer. I greatly value your insight!

Jesus said, “ask and you will receive.” Last week I asked you to pray and ask the Lord to call someone to the ministry of nursery/ preschool coordinator. God heard your prayers, moved on a heart, and the call was answered. Please pray for Renae Matthews as she begins this incredibly important ministry. Renae said when she heard of the need she immediately felt as if this is where God would have her to be used for His glory. Thank God for obedient servants with ears to hear what the Spirit is saying, and Renae, thank God for you and your passion for these children!

Please pray for our services this coming Sunday as we look at our final message “A better way to love” in the Fireproof series. I pray this series has been as much of a blessing to you as it has been to me. Continue to pray that God will do a work in marriages all around our area.

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